Sales offer description

The newly lauched business opportunity:ready for sale ### ###.

It has a combination of two liked words: "profile" + "selfie" and the global top-level 'com'—a truly world-class name!

This project focuses on selling an editing service for photos taken by people with a smartphone. Unlike automated applications, this service is performed by real humans, allowing customers to communicate directly with an editing specialist to explain their needs.

The business model is based on selling the editing service, for example, at a price of $50 per photo. There is also the potential to generate affiliate income from editing applications.

Currently the affiliate is not connected.

There are following amounts of assets:
1. Domain
2. Promotional video
3. Shared gallery module & Before and After slider
4. Logotype

Texts on website:
1. Terms of use
2. Privacy policy

1. Contact form with upload file option

1. Wix background
2. Promotional video with avatar (will be editied to remove my photos before the sale).

The website is built using technology with a paid subscription. Wix allows for smooth website modifications and generally does not cause critical technical problems. Their support team responds quickly via chat and phone. Wix is headquartered in Israel and also has offices in Brazil, Canada, Germany, India, Ireland, Japan, Lithuania, Poland, the Netherlands, the United States, Ukraine, and Singapore.

= = = The price for the project is $500,000 + VAT (if applicable) = = =
The buyer will receive a 24-month guarantee that I will not offer a similar project for sale.

"Data from the United Nations World Population Prospects shows that there are now 8.08 billion people living on Earth. The global population has increased by 74 million people since this time last year, equating to year-on-year growth of 0.9 percent.
The number of unique mobile phone users sits at 5.61 billion at the start of 2024. The latest data from GSMA Intelligence reveals that 69.4 percent of the world’s total population now uses a mobile device, with the global total up by 138 million (+2.5 percent) since early 2023.
More than 66 percent of all the people on Earth now use the internet, with the latest data putting the global user total at 5.35 billion. Internet users have grown by 1.8 percent over the past 12 months, thanks to 97 million new users since the start of 2023" *(1)

"The number of social media users globally grew from 4.72 billion in January 2023 to 5.04 billion in January 2024. This accounts for a 8% growth of +320 million users YOY." *(2)

Source (1):
Source (2):

Who invest in Editing Company and Why?

Investments in photo editing companies can come from various types of investors, including venture capital funds, tech companies, and individual investors. Here are some key reasons why investors might be interested in such companies:
### 1. **Growth of the Visual Content Market**
   - **Increased consumption of visual content:** With the rising popularity of social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, the demand for photo and video editing tools has surged. Investors see market potential in this trend.
   - **Professionalization of influencers and content creators:** More and more people are creating content professionally, which increases the demand for advanced yet accessible editing tools.
### 2. **Technological Innovations**
   - **Artificial intelligence and automation:** Companies offering photo editing services often utilize AI, attracting investors interested in technology. Automating the editing process (e.g., enhancing quality, retouching) is appealing because it reduces costs and increases efficiency.
   - **Cloud and SaaS:** Companies offering services in a Software as a Service (SaaS) model, where users can access tools online, have scalability potential, which is attractive to investors.
### 3. **Business Scalability**
   - **Global reach:** Photo editing companies can easily expand their operations to international markets, making them attractive to investors looking for scalable opportunities.
   - **Low product development costs:** Once developed, software can be sold worldwide without the need for significant physical production investments.
### 4. **Strategic Acquisitions and Partnerships**
   - **Integration with platforms:** Large tech companies like Adobe or Google may invest in or acquire smaller photo editing companies to expand their product portfolios or integrate technology into their own services.
   - **Synergies with existing products:** Companies offering photo editing tools may be interesting to investors who see opportunities to integrate these tools with other products or services, such as content management applications or e-commerce platforms.
### 5. **Monetization Potential**
   - **Subscriptions and freemium models:** Photo editing companies often offer subscription or freemium models, generating a steady revenue stream. The financial stability of these business models attracts investors.
   - **Growth of B2B markets:** Some companies target the B2B segment, offering tools for advertising agencies, marketing firms, or publishing houses, which increases their attractiveness to investors seeking growth opportunities in the professional sector.
In summary, investors are interested in photo editing companies due to the growing demand for visual content, technological innovations, business scalability, potential synergies with other products, and diverse monetization opportunities.
Content created by ChatGPT

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